SOME GREAT NEWS! Asphalt Plant Will Not Open!

Courtesy of Liz Sheffield,

Most of you are aware of the ongoing issue as to whether an asphalt plant should be allowed to open and operate at a site just off Caja Del Rio Road.  This issue was of great concern to many homeowners  concerned about maintaining the quality of life here in Santa Fe.

At the Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Agency meeting held  February 9th, our County Councilor Virginia Vigil proposed that prior to a required task to be done at the landfill site, a variance be approved that the asphalt plant could not be activated and in fact had to be removed from the site within a reasonable time. A vote was taken and adopted unanimously by the agency.  This means the asphalt plant will not open after all!

This is a great accomplishment for those who love where they live!